AASU has a tailoring and a weaving workshop in order to generate money for the beautiful work
that it does. It is the intention to expand these activities with the help of AASN, such that in the end
AASU will be able to finance the care for children totally from the net profits of the clothing,
shawls, and rugs that are produced. The market for these products consists of tourists and middle
income Ugandans inside Uganda and of people anywhere via this website: brand – FinnKibu.
The workshops do not only provide income to pay for foster care costs, they also provide extra
employment in the poor region. In particular for the women that are employed, these workshops are
beneficial. They get their own income for their families and often also more respect from their
husbands, which in many cases is much needed. Many of the workers are also foster parents and
can in this way provide for the extra costs of their foster children.